At Raikkonen Engineers, our product design solutions are always characterized by innovation. We work closely with you, our clients to ensure that we deliver product designs that meet all your specified and regulatory requirements in a cost-effective way. Unlike other product design companies that offer only selected product design services, we deliver product design services that cover all aspects of development process from concept to completion beginning from day one.

Our combination of design engineering experience, innovative ideas and proven systematic work processes enables us to deliver real, marketable and commercially viable products that captivate the target audience.

Maintaining competitive advantage in a tough market demands the highest standards of creativity and business acumen. Hence, our experience in this field spans most areas including outdoor products, electrical goods, personal products, kitchen appliances and toys.

We have the insight to captivate a target audience with design style and brand value. As such we support this with a full complement of physical and intellectual verification tools. Product Design has an international currency, exported all over the world, but the means of production is increasingly located in India. As a result, we’ve developed techniques for addressing these issues and maintaining accurate communications with client and subcontractor. Our methodology bypasses the traditional blockages and allows for an open exchange of information and the freedom to allow creativity.

Our product design and development capability offers seamless progress and total integration of the product development process from consumer surveys through user modelling and brainstorming to styling, engineering and production–adding real value at each stage but at all times keeping the product straightforward.


Our aim is to create products which really inspire as well as connect with the customer. Due to this the customer is at the center of our product development process. In depth understanding of the customer through research delivers the design direction needed to connect. The customer profile we develop informs every aspect of the design for the UI character, the form, color, sound & feel as well as the appeal of the product.


We create designs which appeal at first sight, connect emotionally and ultimately build a great relationship between the brand and the customer. Emotional connection means appealing through the senses, by sight, touch and sound as well as through the character of the user interface.

Connecting via culture – research and understanding in depth the different cultural keys that go into make the product attractive to local markets.

HUMAN CENTERED Our work is about humanizing technology; putting the user at the heart of innovation drives technology towards better products.

Delivering real, usable and commercially valuable innovation is at the core of much of our activity. Therefore, the blend of technologists, designers, electronics developers and manufacturing technicians us the highest credibility and capability to deliver complex solutions within simple, appealing designs.

If you would like to learn more about our Product Design services then please contact us for information.